Course and Project Takeaways

This semester, I had the honor of taking the course, Strategic Presentation, as a requirement for my DCIM minor. Prior to the class, I had no knowledge of what the course taught and required. I’m excited and proud to be leaving my last fall semester at Rutgers University with a personal portfolio of the various […]

My First Podcast!

I created a PSA podcast for RUPA! RUPA, Rutgers University Programming Association, is an organization that hosts events for students on campus. Popular events hosted by RUPA include concerts, free food, football games, and trip to the city. The organization has 7 main categorizes and I chose to focus on their Marketing committee. The Marketing […]

DIY Room Decor and Phone Wallpaper

I am a mother of an 11-year old Yorkie and I successfully made a 5-minute tutorial that cost me less than $1! Photo: I merged my graphic skills and my interest for interior decor to compose an image that can be decorative enough for myself. I decided to take a unique approach to room decoration […]

Confessions of a Shopaholic

WELCOME! Hello, my name is Hyo Jin and I have an unfortunate passion for shopping. I am neither a “fashionista” nor a “trendsetter,” but I love to shop. Others might call it an “addiction”, but I call it retail therapy. I love hunting for trendy clothes, styles, furniture, and (unnecessary) knick-knacks that are made with […]